In Loving Memory of Ms. David

In loving memory and honor of Ms. David, a beloved member of the Richmond Hill High School family that passed away in early April. Ms. David, through her 28 years at RHHS, took on the integral roles of guidance counselor, coach, mentor, and lead college advisor. But beyond that - she was a daughter, a sister, and a human whose warmth and passion helped guide countless others. The following are a few messages that encompass just a fraction of the impact that Ms. David has imparted on the community. 

“Little by little we let go of loss, but never of love. That love you gave will shine forever.

Ms. David, thank you for always caring for us, seeing our potential and pushing us to the limit.

No matter how challenging it got, she always smiled, rolled in her black comfy chair, and made everything happen. We are forever thankful for the support and encouragement she gave to us and the students. This is not a goodbye but a see you later.” - Susana and Nathaly, RHHS College Advisors

“Grief only exists where love lived first. Ms. David will always be known for her genuine soul, her humility and her endless care for her students. She led us through the tedious process of college and scholarship applications, we can only hope to make her proud and let her words of wisdom live on.”

- Sarah Singh, RHHS Class of 2023

“Ms. David was always on our case about applying for scholarships and getting the best education without breaking the bank. She pushed us to be our best and was always looking out for our financial well-being.” - Mahesh K, Class of 2023

“In loving memory of Ms. David, one of the most helpful adults I’ve ever met in my life. Not only was she an amazing college counselor, she was also an amazing mentor, always pushing us to do our best and guiding us through difficult times. She never gave up on us and always gave us so many opportunities. Kind isn’t even the word to describe Ms. David because she was more than that. I will always remember her as a passionate and caring person.” - Majidah H, Class of 2023

“Ms. David was such an amazing woman and it’s truly saddening to see her go so soon. She was one of my biggest support systems, always cheering me on during my stressful college applications. She always made sure to remind me that she was proud of me and I never forgot it, it really touched me. She was a very warm and sweet woman. I’ll never forget that.” - Dana Dessources, Class of 2023

“Coach David really was a driving factor in my improvement and strives to continue volleyball. Though she did coach all the practices and or games, whenever I saw her I knew it would be a good game/practice. She loved to say “you guys are lions not cubs so act like it!” Those words are what made the difference between a win or loss. She also presented me with an award for being a team leader and put in my mind that I do have the ability to be someone who others can look up to. Even though I’ve moved up to varsity, those words and my time with her on JV made me the confident player I am today, as she has done for many students at RHHS.” - Shahd Ouled Hadj Abdelkader, Class of 2025

“In loving memory of Ms. David, whose unwavering support paved the path to our education. Her legacy lives on in every opportunity we seize and every dream we fulfill. Forever grateful for her kindness, guidance, and belief in our potential.” - Tisha R, Class of 2023

May Ms. David rest in peace, as she will always hold a special place in the heart of every Lion.
