Ms. Camacho’s Farewell and New Beginnings

By Asheanna Suresh

Ms. Camacho

With the addition of many new teachers this school year, the Richmond Hill community is also saying their farewell to some. Ms. Camacho, a work based learning coordinator, along with special and career technical education and a woman of many talents, has left a lasting impact on the Richmond Hill High School community as she transitions to a supervisor of career and technical education and Health Sciences.


Kirstie Camacho originally joined the RHHS family in 2015, making this her 8th and final year. When she was in high school, she never imagined herself as a teacher. Now, despite all odds, she said,I am currently a teacher and I actually like it. I ended up becoming a teacher taking a chance on a program, and I stayed in it because of the connections that I've made and the impact that I feel like I've had on certain students.”  

Ms. Camacho's dedication to the students' success shone as she guided them through the apprenticeship program. The CareerWise Modern youth apprenticeship is a three year learning-based opportunity for high schoolers to tap into hidden youth talent and succeed in large organizations or companies such as Bloomberg, Wells Fargo, Accenture, Department of Law, and Department of Education. With her guidance, students embarked on a journey that would not only enhance their academic knowledge but also equip them with practical skills for their future. 

Sophomore Chad Arjoon said, “She provides us with a bunch of creative assignments, like Tribe Temple, the Marshmallow challenge.” Throughout the course, Ms. Camacho encouraged her students to push their boundaries and embrace challenges. 

“She would take our report cards to make sure we were doing good in all our classes; she would look through them and she would never belittle you for absolutely anything,” junior Fabiola Rodriguez recalled. “She would always tell you there is room for more improvement - but I'm glad to have had a teacher like her.”

Throughout the Apprenticeship program, students also built connections in fields like Project Coordinator, Junior Coder, and Business Operations. Ms. Camacho's guidance was instrumental in helping the students navigate different processes from how to create resumes, handling different situations based on your career, to learning their fields of interest. “She was like a mom that took care of all of us,” junior Jeffrey Fernandez Mero said. “She didn't just favor some students, she loved and supported us all.” 

Ms. Camacho’s popular culinary class was another way she made an impact on the community. She expressed her pride in “being able to bring in something that [she] love[s] into the workplace,” sharing her passion with her students. 

The culinary class, the first ever at RHHS that began this year, was brought in as an initiative to expose students to different cooking techniques and prepare for the New York State Food Handling Licenses. They gained skills such as learning the proper sanitation practices and being adept at kitchen management. By recreating dishes from diverse cultures and sharing their experiences, the class also highlighted the diversity present at RHHS through food. 

As she departs, she has one final message for the students: “Stay true to yourself, but also be mindful of how your behavior can affect you everywhere you go. A first impression is something that you cannot erase, so you always want to make sure that you put your best foot forward anytime you begin something new or in an unfamiliar environment.”
