This is my 14th year at The Hill. I teach Junior English, computer science, and I am the coach of JV Lady Lions softball team (check out the 2019 photo album - we came in second place!).
I grew up in Brooklyn, New York and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in English degree and a Master of English Education from Queens College.
One of my favorite quotes is attributed to Confucius, the Chinese philosopher. He said, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." Well, that's how I feel about teaching, especially at Richmond Hill. I never had this much fun at job - even when I was an usher at a movie and I got to watch movies and get paid for it.
Speaking of movies, I enjoy watching and analyzing films as much as I enjoy reading and listening to music.
I am also an ardent and faithful Mets fan. I was at Game 6 of the World Series in 1986 (look it up).