Mr. I G Fischer » Welcome


Hello and welcome to Richmond Hill, My name is Mr. Fischer, I look forward to working with you over the next 4 years. Your time in high school may feel long at time but will fly by and before you know it you will be on your way to college. Use your time wisely, learn everything you can, and don't forget to make time for friends family and yourself.
Here is a little about me. I graduated from the state University of New York at New Paltz in 2013 and began my journey as a secondary education teacher at that time. After a few stops along the way I found my home at Richmond Hill. I have been fortunate to work closely with the ninth grade cohorts helping them mange the beginning  of their high school experience. As of  the 2019-20 school year i was able to introduce the first freshmen led government/leadership group known as Freshmen Voice, where for the first time the youngest cohort was able to express themselves and be heard while contributing to the school community. 
As I mentioned earlier time for your self is very important, and yes teachers too have out side interests as well, and during these times that is more important than ever. For me I would put  watching the New York Rangers and New York Yankees at the top of the list. But, the number one would be spending time with family as often as I can.
Mr. I G Fischer
Social Studies Teacher